16 research outputs found

    Specifications and Development of Interoperability Solution dedicated to Multiple Expertise Collaboration in a Design Framework

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    This paper describes the specifications of an interoperability platform based on the PPO (Product Process Organization) model developed by the French community IPPOP in the context of collaborative and innovative design. By using PPO model as a reference, this work aims to connect together heterogonous tools used by experts easing data and information exchanges. After underlining the growing needs of collaborative design process, this paper focuses on interoperability concept by describing current solutions and their limits. Then a solution based on the flexibility of the PPO model adapted to the philosophy of interoperability is proposed. To illustrate these concepts, several examples are more particularly described (robustness analysis, CAD and Product Lifecycle Management systems connections)

    PLM interopérable pour la conception intégrée et le travail collaboratif en aéronautique

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    Résumé - L’entreprise étendue devrait permettre de répondre aux objectifs bien connus de l’industrie aéronautique, à savoir réduire le temps de mise sur le marché, réduire les coûts de développement et partager les risques entre les partenaires. La réalisation d’un tel concept ne pourra passer qu’à travers des approches comme l’ingénierie collaborative, qui vise à lier les départements en charge du développement produit entre les différents partenaires du projet. Dans ce cadre, le succès des plateformes dites « d’ingénierie collaborative » est devenu une des préoccupations majeures des principaux acteurs industriels de l’aérospatial. En même temps, les aéronefs se complexifient indéniablement et sont même déjà hautement pluridisciplinaires. C’est pourquoi, la collaboration dans les projets de développement produit se doit de supporter la conception intégrée. Après avoir fait une brève relecture de la littérature sur ces différents concepts, ce papier présentera les spécifications d’une plateforme d’ingénierie collaborative à destination de l’industrie aéronautique : La plateforme SEINE (Standard pour l’Entreprise Innovante Numérique Etendue). Puis nous verrons comment une telle plateforme pourrait être enrichie en matière de conception intégrée. Abstract - Well known challenges in Aeronautic industry, namely reduced time to market, lower development costs and shared risks between partners, could be reached thanks to the innovative design methods supported by PLM technologies. Reaching such objective will be allowed through methods like integrated design or collaborative engineering enabling close exchanges between the project partners. In fact, the success of PLM platforms in supporting such methods is becoming one of the major stakes in the global networking organization. At the same time, aircrafts are obviously systems integrating multidisciplinary technologies and companies are highly multiple expertises. This paper proposes a survey on integrated design methods, PLM technologies and related subjects. It also presents the specification and the development of a collaborative design platform, as part of SEINE project (Standard pour l’Entreprise Innovante Etendue), aiming to improve collaboration in French aeronautics supply chain. Finally, this paper proposes how to include multiple expertise and integrated design in this “platform supporting” partners collaboration

    Enabled virtual and collaborative engineering coupling PLm system to a product data kernel

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     Nowadays, the use of digital modelling through multiple CAx systems becomes more and more unquestionable. It allows many benefits (3D, automations, simulations, etc.) in spite of the fact that those different systems are individually used and are relatively isolated (i.e. not interoperable) during the product design process. Then more enhancement of product development might be possible if the whole design expertises (and IT applications), could collaborate dynamically (i.e. interoperate) in a complete virtual and collaborative engineering platform. For instance, product definition could be therefore seen as the synthesis of multidisciplinary information defined and assessed with respect to both collaborative activity and individual domain of expertise. At the same time, PDM/PLM systems are developed in most of cases as product data vault (product data referential of a company with internal PDM or projects collaborative referential with collaborative engineering platform). Nevertheless, current PLM are not able to manage more than only files (and not data breakdown) and then are not yet efficient for CAx systems interoperability. The paper aims at giving some first concepts and software demonstrators in order to tackle the problem of interoperability in virtual engineering design. The proposal is based on the PPO data kernel: a dynamic data structure able to integrate and merge multidisciplinary product data breakdown and to exchange them with other CAx applications. Then the current PDM/PLM systems will be defined as one of the CAx systems which interoperate with the kernel to benefit of both PLM and CAx potential functionalities. A business case will be studied between the PPO product data kernel and the Windchill (from PTC vendor) PLM system. Some recommendations for future work are then discussed to present what could be a generic interoperable software platform.

    Enabled virtual and collaborative engineering coupling PLm system to a product data kernel

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     Nowadays, the use of digital modelling through multiple CAx systems becomes more and more unquestionable. It allows many benefits (3D, automations, simulations, etc.) in spite of the fact that those different systems are individually used and are relatively isolated (i.e. not interoperable) during the product design process. Then more enhancement of product development might be possible if the whole design expertises (and IT applications), could collaborate dynamically (i.e. interoperate) in a complete virtual and collaborative engineering platform. For instance, product definition could be therefore seen as the synthesis of multidisciplinary information defined and assessed with respect to both collaborative activity and individual domain of expertise. At the same time, PDM/PLM systems are developed in most of cases as product data vault (product data referential of a company with internal PDM or projects collaborative referential with collaborative engineering platform). Nevertheless, current PLM are not able to manage more than only files (and not data breakdown) and then are not yet efficient for CAx systems interoperability. The paper aims at giving some first concepts and software demonstrators in order to tackle the problem of interoperability in virtual engineering design. The proposal is based on the PPO data kernel: a dynamic data structure able to integrate and merge multidisciplinary product data breakdown and to exchange them with other CAx applications. Then the current PDM/PLM systems will be defined as one of the CAx systems which interoperate with the kernel to benefit of both PLM and CAx potential functionalities. A business case will be studied between the PPO product data kernel and the Windchill (from PTC vendor) PLM system. Some recommendations for future work are then discussed to present what could be a generic interoperable software platform.

    Integrated Design and PLM Applications in Aeronautics Product Development

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    Well known challenges in Aeronautic industry, namely reducing time to market, risks and development costs, could be reached thanks to innovative design methods supported by PLM technologies. Such methods are based on integrated design or collaborative engineering enabling close exchanges and cooperation between the project partners. The paper proposes a survey on integrated design methods and PLM technologies. It presents the development of a collaborative design platform, as part of SEINE project, which aims to improve partners’ cooperation in the French aeronautics supply chain. The paper also discusses how to include multiple expertises and integrated design in this collaborative platform

    PLM interopérable pour la conception intégrée et le travail collaboratif en aéronautique

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    L'entreprise étendue devrait permettre de répondre aux objectifs bien connus de l'industrie aéronautique, à savoir réduire le temps de mise sur le marché, réduire les coûts de développement et partager les risques entre les partenaires. La réalisation d'un tel concept ne pourra passer qu'à travers des approches comme l'ingénierie collaborative, qui vise à lier les départements en charge du développement produit entre les différents partenaires du projet. Dans ce cadre, le succès des plateformes dites " d'ingénierie collaborative " est devenu une des préoccupations majeures des principaux acteurs industriels de l'aérospatial. En même temps, les aéronefs se complexifient indéniablement et sont même déjà hautement pluridisciplinaires. C'est pourquoi, la collaboration dans les projets de développement produit se doit de supporter la conception intégrée. Après avoir fait une brève relecture de la littérature sur ces différents concepts, ce papier présentera les spécifications d'une plateforme d'ingénierie collaborative à destination de l'industrie aéronautique : La plateforme SEINE (Standard pour l'Entreprise Innovante Numérique Etendue). Puis nous verrons comment une telle plateforme pourrait être enrichie en matière de conception intégrée. Abstract - Well known challenges in Aeronautic industry, namely reduced time to market, lower development costs and shared risks between partners, could be reached thanks to the innovative design methods supported by PLM technologies. Reaching such objective will be allowed through methods like integrated design or collaborative engineering enabling close exchanges between the project partners. In fact, the success of PLM platforms in supporting such methods is becoming one of the major stakes in the global networking organization. At the same time, aircrafts are obviously systems integrating multidisciplinary technologies and companies are highly multiple expertises. This paper proposes a survey on integrated design methods, PLM technologies and related subjects. It also presents the specification and the development of a collaborative design platform, as part of SEINE project (Standard pour l'Entreprise Innovante Etendue), aiming to improve collaboration in French aeronautics supply chain. Finally, this paper proposes how to include multiple expertise and integrated design in this "platform supporting" partners collaboration

    Contribution à l'amélioration de la collaboration PLM dans la chaîne de sous-traitance aéronautique

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    La filière aéronautique et spatiale est un secteur industriel très impliqué dans la démarche dite PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) qui vise à gérer toutes les informations techniques du produit sur l ensemble de son cycle de vie. Cette démarche, qui s accompagne souvent de l installation de systèmes d information personnalisés, a conduit les entreprises à une certaine maturité de gestion des données. Cependant, après avoir défini un repère PLM global constitué d un axe cycle de vie , d un axe organisations et d un axe information , nous avons identifié des ruptures numériques au cours du processus complet de développement, production, exploitation du produit qui traverse ce repère. Ces ruptures sont issues de problèmes de collaboration sur les axes du repère PLM. Et nos travaux ont consisté à les réduire, selon une approche de collaboration PLM supportée par une plateforme médiatrice. Nous avons tout d abord défini un cadre de collaboration pour apporter une réponse générale et embrasser toutes les ruptures. Nous avons traité une première rupture par la définition de processus de collaboration harmonisés en phase de conception en nous appuyant sur le standard ISO10303 AP214. Puis nous avons étendu ces travaux à d autres phases que la phase de conception pour couvrir une seconde rupture. Enfin, nous avons traité une troisième rupture par le couplage d un noyau PPO (Produit Process Organisation) avec la plateforme PLM médiatrice afin d y ajouter une dimension ingénierie intégréeSpatial and aeronautical industry is strongly implied in the PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) approach, whose goal is to manage all the product technical data along the whole product lifecycle. This approach, which often comprises set up of customized information systems, led the companies to a high level of data management. However, after we defined a PLM global coordinate system composed of a lifecycle axis, an organizations axis and an information axis, we identified digital breaks in the complete process of product development, production and use, crossing this coordinate system. Those breaks mainly come from collaboration lacks along the axis of the PLM coordinate system. The purpose of our work was to reduce them through a PLM collaboration approach sup-ported by a mediatory platform. At the beginning, we defined a collaboration framework to address all the breaks with a general answer. We dealt with a first digital break defining harmonized collaboration process at the product design phase with the help the standard ISO10303 AP214. Then we ex-tended these works to other lifecycle phases than product design phase to cover a second break. Finally, we addressed a third digital break by the addition of an integrated design dimension coupling a PPO (Product, Process, and Organization) kernel with the mediatory PLM platformTROYES-SCD-UTT (103872102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Analysis of strong scattering at the micro-scale

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    International audienc